
Agricultural Background Information

Net Rice Exporter:

  • Exports in 2020: $2.74B
  • Imports in 2020: $137M

% of rice consumption in Market Year 2020/20211USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS).:

  • From domestic production: 91.6%
  • From imports: 8.4%

Major Agriculture/Food Exports in 20202Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). Note: “Major exports” account for those over 1% of total exports.:

  • Coconuts, Brazil Nuts, and Cashews (1.02%)
  • Rice (0.91%)

Major Crops Produced3Statista.:

  • Rice
  • Cassava
  • Vegetables
  • Sugarcane

WB/ADB Climate Risk Profile
Viet Nam’s Current NDC

Key for Adaptation Charts

The indicators in the adaptation charts are marked in the rightmost five columns according to the following key.

  • Discussion (Yellow): Topic is mentioned in general.
  • Detail (Red): Topic is discussed in greater detail than just a nominal mention.
  • Quantifiability (Purple): Targets are quantifiable.
  • Technology (Blue): Technology needs are discussed.
  • Finance (Green): Budget or specific funding plans are mentioned.

Adaptation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Viet Nam’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for adaptation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Last updated August 2022.

NDCs: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

NDCs: Agricultural Development

NDCs: Livestock/Fisheries

National Adaptation Policy

The following charts show which elements are present in Viet Nam’s national adaptation policy.

Last updated August 2022.

National Adaptation Policy: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

National Adaptation Policy: Agricultural Development

National Adaptation Policy: Livestock/Fisheries

Notes on Viet Nam’s Adaptation Policies

  • Especially detailed and quantifiable policies concerning coastal forests, environmental resource management and monitoring, irrigation, and response to sea level rise.
  • Some policies with quantifiable goals and budgets (e.g. Decision No. 543) indicate timeframes that have already passed. Have not verified whether the actions were executed as stated.

Access issues:

  • Documents concerning agricultural resilience development are unavailable, so Viet Nam’s policies in that area may be more extensive than represented in the chart.
  • Plan regarding Mekong Delta that involves adaptation measures is in Vietnamese only. Information gleaned using cursory translation app reading, but could not keyword search.

Adaptation Policies

  • Socio-economic development plan for 2021-2025
    • Info
    • Includes plans for developing agricultural climate resilience; links to documents are available but website times out
  • Decision No. 417/QD-TTg (2019)
    • Info (Vietnamese only)
    • Plan to implement sustainable and climate-resilient development of Mekong Delta
  • Policies on Sustainable Management, Protection and Development of Coastal Forests
    • Info
    • Decree 119/2016/ND-CP and PM Decision 120/2015
  • Decision No. 90/QD-TTg approving master plan for natural resources/environment monitoring networks
    • Info (unofficial translation on external website)
  • Resolution 24/NQ-TW: Active response to climate change, improvement of natural resource management and environmental protection
  • PM Decision No. 1474/2012 issuing the National Action Plan on Climate Change 2012-2020
  • Decision No. 543/QD-BNN-KHCN: Action Plan on Climate Change Response of Agriculture and Rural Development Sector in the Period 2011-2015 and vision to 2050
  • National Climate Change Strategy approved by Decision No. 2139/QD-TTg
  • Decision No. 158/2008/QD-TTg on the Approval of the National Target Programme to Respond to Climate Change (Target Year 2015 – Outdated)
  • Decision No. 2730/QH-BNN-KHCN: Climate Change Adaptation Framework (Outdated)


Mitigation Overview

Forest Cover Target by 2030: 45%
Renewable Energy Share Target: 33% by 2030, 55% by 2050 (Decision No. 896/QD-TTg)
Net Zero Target Year: 2050 (source)
International Support Needed: Not Stated4NDC discusses finance and sources of investment but does not state a specific amount needed from international sources to meet conditional goals.
Climate Action Tracker Rating: Critically Insufficient

Asia Pacific Energy Policy Profile

Emissions Targets

Key for Mitigation Charts

Indicators are marked in the right column according to the following key.

  • Green: Present in NDC/Policy.
  • Yellow: Partially present or under development.
  • Blank: Not present.
  • Red: Present but negative indicator.

Mitigation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Viet Nam’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for mitigation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Mitigation NDCs: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies

The following charts show the elements present in NDCs and policies combined. Some elements are only present in policies, while some elements are only present in NDCs.

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs and Policies: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

Mitigation Policies

Current Mitigation Policies

  • Socio-economic Development Plan for 2021-2025 (2021)
    • Info (links not loading on site when accessed from U.S.)
  • Vietnam’s Green Growth Strategy for 2021-2030, vision 2050 and related PM Decisions (2012, last change 2021)
  • Circular No. 25/2020/TT-BCT on the implementation of plans for economical and efficient use of energy (2020)
  • Decision 622/QD-TTg approving the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2017)

Mitigation Strategies

  • Viet Nam Renewable Energy Development Strategy to 2030 with a vision to 2050 (2015)
  • Viet Nam Transport Development Strategy to 2020 with a vision to 2050 (2013)
  • PM Decision 1775/2012 on GHG Emission and Carbon Credit Management (2012)
  • The National Climate Change Strategy (2011)
  • Viet Nam Forestry Development Strategy 2006-2020 (2007)
  • National Energy Development Strategy to 2020 with a vision to 2050 (2007)

Mitigation Policies: Renewable Energy

  • Decision No. 896/QD-TTg on approving the National Strategy for Climate Change until 2050 (2022)
  • Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister on the mechanism for encouragement of the development of solar power projects and Decision 13/2020/QD-TTg setting out a legal framework for the next generation of solar power projects (2017, last change 2020)
  • Resolution No 55NQ/TW on the orientation of the National Energy Development Strategy of Vietnam to 2030 (2020)
  • Decisions No. 37/2011/QD-TTg and 39/2018/QD-TTg on the support for Wind Power Projects (2011)
  • Decision 428/QD-TTg approving the Revised National Power Development Master Plan for the 2011-2020 Period with the Vision to 2030 (2016)
  • Regulation No. 18/2012 Guidelines for Managing Geothermal Energy (2012)
  • Decision 177/2007/QD-TTg approving the Scheme on Development of Biofuels up to 2015, with a Vision to 2025 (2011)
  • Decision No. 1855/QD/TTg approving the National Energy Development Strategy of Vietnam for the period up to 2020 with outlook to 2050 (2007)

Sector-Specific Mitigation Policies

  • Urban Development of Vietnam Responding to Climate Change 2020 scheme and Urban Green Growth Development Plan to 2030 (2013, last change 2018)
  • Decision No. 799/QD-TTg approving the national REDD action programme and Decision 419/QD-TTg (2012)

Outdated Mitigation Policies

  • 2016-2020 Science and Technology Programme for Climate Change Response, Natural Resources and Environmental Management (2016)
    • Mentioned in NDC but documentation not available
  • PM Decision 2044/2016 approving the Climate Change Policy Framework (2016)
  • Decree 119/2016/ND-CP and PM Decision 120/2015 on Sustainable Management, Protection and Development of Coastal Forests (2015)
  • PM Decision 811/2015 introducing the Climate Change Action Plan for Construction 2016-2020 (2016)
  • PM Decision No. 1474/2012 Issuing the National Action Plan on Climate Change 2012-2020 (2012)
  • National Target Program on Efficient Use and Saving Energy (EUSE) (2006)

Outdated Sector-Specific Mitigation Policies

  • Decree 119/2016/ND-CP and PM Decision 120/2015 on Sustainable Management, Protection and Development of Coastal Forests (2015)
  • PM Decision 811/2015 introducing the Climate Change Action Plan for Construction 2016-2020 (2016)

Mitigation Laws Mentioned in NDC

  • Law on Energy Efficiency (2011)
  • Law on Water Resources (2012)
  • Law on Environmental Protection (2014)
  • Forestry Law (2017)
    • Mentioned in NDC but can’t locate documentation


  • 1
    USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS).
  • 2
    Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). Note: “Major exports” account for those over 1% of total exports.
  • 3
  • 4
    NDC discusses finance and sources of investment but does not state a specific amount needed from international sources to meet conditional goals.