
Agricultural Background Information

Net Rice Importer:

  • Exports in 2020: $64.7M
  • Imports in 2020: $463M

% of rice consumption in Market Year 2020/20211USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS).:

  • From domestic production: 92.2%
  • From imports: 7.8%

Major Agriculture/Food Exports in 20202Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC); Statista. Note: “Major exports” account for those over 1% of total exports.:

  • None–Japan relies on agricultural imports

Major Crops Produced3USDA-FAS (

  • Rice, soybeans, wheat, barley, various fruits and vegetables


Japan’s Current NDC

Key for Adaptation Charts

The indicators in the adaptation charts are marked in the rightmost five columns according to the following key.

  • Discussion (Yellow): Topic is mentioned in general.
  • Detail (Red): Topic is discussed in greater detail than just a nominal mention.
  • Quantifiability (Purple): Targets are quantifiable.
  • Technology (Blue): Technology needs are discussed.
  • Finance (Green): Budget or specific funding plans are mentioned.

Adaptation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Japan’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for adaptation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Last updated August 2022.

NDCs: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

NDCs: Agricultural Development

NDCs: Livestock/Fisheries

National Adaptation Policy

The following charts show which elements are present in Japan’s national adaptation policy.

Last updated August 2022.

National Adaptation Policy: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

National Adaptation Policy: Agricultural Development

National Adaptation Policy: Livestock/Fisheries

Adaptation Policies

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) Climate Change Adaptation Plan
  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Climate Change Adaptation Plan
    • PDF (Japanese only)
  • National Plan for Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change
  • Basic Environment Plan
  • Fundamental Plan for National Resilience
  • Disaster Prevention Basic Plan
    • PDF (Japanese only)
  • Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems (MeaDRI)


Mitigation Overview

Forest Cover Target by 2030: N/A
Net Zero Target Year: 2050
Renewable Energy Share Target: 22-24% by 2030 (NDC); 36-38% by 2030 (Sixth Strategic Energy Plan)
Climate Action Tracker Rating: Insufficient

Asia Pacific Energy Policy Profile

Emissions Targets

Key for Mitigation Charts

Indicators are marked in the right column according to the following key.

  • Green: Present in NDC/Policy.
  • Yellow: Partially present or under development.
  • Blank: Not present.
  • Red: Present but negative indicator.

Mitigation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Japan’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for mitigation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Mitigation NDCs: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies

The following charts show the elements present in NDCs and policies combined. Some elements are only present in policies, while some elements are only present in NDCs.

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs and Policies: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

Mitigation Policies

General Mitigation Policies

  • Advanced energy-saving investment promotion support project (2022)
  • The 6th Strategic Energy Plan (2018, last change 2021)
  • MoEJ Initiative for Decarbonised Infrastructure (Joint crediting mechanism)
  • Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050 (2020)
    • Info / Website / PDF
    • Japanese only–English informational materials available on Climate Laws listing and official website
  • Roadmap for Carbon Recycling Technologies (2019)
  • Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures (2016)

Sector-Specific Mitigation Policies

  • R&D and Social Implementation Plan for “Next-Generation Solar Cell Development” Projects (2021)
  • R&D and Public Implementation Plan for “Cost Reductions for Offshore Wind Power Generation” Projects (2021)
  • Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems, MeaDRI (2021)
  • Fuel Economy Standards for Passenger and Heavy Duty Vehicles (2019, last change 2020)
  • 2019 Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and 2017 Basic Hydrogen Strategy (2017, amended 2019)
  • Programme on direct payments for environmentally friendly agriculture

Transition Finance

Mitigation Laws/Policies with Targets

  • Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050 (2020)
    • Info / Website / PDF
    • (Japanese only–English informational materials available on Climate Laws listing and official website)
  • 2019 Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and 2017 Basic Hydrogen Strategy (2017, amended 2019)
  • The 6th Strategic Energy Plan (2018, last change 2021)
  • Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Law No. 117 of 1998) (2016)
  • Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures (2016)
  • Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems, MeaDRI (2021)
