
Agricultural Background Information

Net Rice Importer:

  • Exports in 2020: $1.57M
  • Imports in 2020: $249M

% of rice consumption in Market Year 2020/20211USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS).:

● From domestic production: 98.3%
● From imports: 1.7%

Major Agriculture/Food Exports in 20202Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). Note: “Major exports” account for those over 1% of total exports.:

● Palm Oil (10%)
● Rubber (1.86%)
● Stearic Acid (1.73%)
● Coconut Oil (1.13%)

Major Crops Produced3FAO,

● Rice, corn, cassava, soybeans, peanuts

WB/ADB Climate Risk Profile
Indonesia’s Current NDC

Key for Adaptation Charts

The indicators in the adaptation charts are marked in the rightmost five columns according to the following key.

  • Discussion (Yellow): Topic is mentioned in general.
  • Detail (Red): Topic is discussed in greater detail than just a nominal mention.
  • Quantifiability (Purple): Targets are quantifiable.
  • Technology (Blue): Technology needs are discussed.
  • Finance (Green): Budget or specific funding plans are mentioned.

Adaptation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for adaptation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Last updated August 2022.

NDCs: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

NDCs: Agricultural Development

NDCs: Livestock/Fisheries

National Adaptation Policy

The following charts show which elements are present in Indonesia’s national adaptation policy.

Last updated August 2022.

National Adaptation Policy: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

National Adaptation Policy: Agricultural Development

National Adaptation Policy: Livestock/Fisheries

Notes on Indonesia’s Adaptation Plan

  • RAN-API contains detailed analyses of declining rice production estimates in response to climate
  • change but no clearly stated plans on increasing rice production; it seems that Indonesia’s action
  • plan is to diversify food crops to reduce dependence on rice and maintain rice production levels.
  • There is very little mention of livestock.
  • Specific budget is stated for the Heart of Borneo declaration only.
  • Actions stated in the listed documents are not quantifiable and not tied to budgets.

Adaptation Policies

  • National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API) (2014)
  • National Action Plan Addressing Climate Change (2007)
  • National Adaptation Plan Executive Summary (2019)


Mitigation Overview

Forest Cover Target by 2030: N/A
RE Share Target: 23% by 2025, 31% by 2050
Net Zero Target Year: 20604IEA,
Mitigation Finance Needed: 322.86 billion USD5Not specified how much of this finance needs to come from non-domestic sources.
Climate Action Tracker Rating: Highly Insufficient

Asia Pacific Energy Policy Profile

Emissions Targets

Key for Mitigation Charts

Indicators are marked in the right column according to the following key.

  • Green: Present in NDC/Policy.
  • Yellow: Partially present or under development.
  • Blank: Not present.
  • Red: Present but negative indicator.

Mitigation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for mitigation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Mitigation NDCs: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies

The following charts show the elements present in NDCs and policies combined. Some elements are only present in policies, while some elements are only present in NDCs.

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs and Policies: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

Mitigation Policies

Current Mitigation Policies

  • Regulations 12/2017, 50/2017, 35/2018, 4/2020 on the utilisation of Renewable Energy for the Provision of Power (2017, last changed 2020)
  • National Medium Term Development Plan 2020-2024 (RPJMN 2020-2024) (2015, last changed 2020)
  • Regulation 1/2012 amending reg. 15/2010 – Priority Development Renewable Energy Projects (2020)
  • VISI Indonesia 2045 (2019)
  • Presidential Regulation 55/2019 on electric vehicles (2019)
  • Presidential Instruction 5/2019 on extension of the forest moratorium (2011, last change 2019)
  • Regulation No. 70/2017 Implementing REDD+ and Sustainable Management of Forests (2017)
  • Government Regulation 57/2016, amending regulation 71/2014 concerning protection and management of peat ecosystems (2016)
  • Regulation No.79 on National Energy Policy (2014)
  • Regulation No.17/2014 on Electricity Purchase from Geothermal (2014)
  • Regulation No.11/2013 and No.36/2009 about procedures for Licensing Activities for Absorbing and Restoring Carbon in Forests (2009)
  • Regulation No.20/2012 about Forest Carbon Management (2012)
  • President Regulation 71/2011 on the Implementation of a National Greenhouse Gases Inventory
  • P. 30/Menhut-II/2009 On the implementation of REDD activities (2009)
  • Presidential regulation 70/2009 concerning Energy Conservation (2009)
  • Minister of Forestry Regulation P.68/Menhut-II/2008 on Implementation of Demonstration Activities Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (2008)
  • Presidential Instruction 2/2008 – Regulation on Energy and Water Efficiency (2008)
  • Presidential Instruction 1/2006 on Biofuel Development (2006)
  • Regulation 206/2005 Establishing National Committee for Clean Development Mechanism (2005)

Outdated Mitigation Policies

  • Decree 62/2013 Regarding a Managing Agency for the Reduction of Emission from Deforestation and Degradation of Forest and Peat lands (2013)
  • Ministerial Regulation 216/2012 Accelerating Development of Geothermal Energy Supply (revised Ministerial Regulation 15/2010) (2012)
  • Presidential Decree 61/2011, National Action Plan to reduce GHG emissions (RAN-GRK)
  • Ministerial Regulation 15/2010 Re. 10,000 MW Crash Programme (2010)
  • National Action Plan Addressing Climate Change (2007)
  • Presidential Regulation 5/2006 concerning National Energy Policy (2006)

Mitigation Policies: Sector Specific

  • Strategic Plan Sustainable Tourism and Green Jobs for Indonesia (2012)

Policies Containing Targets

  • National Medium Term Development Plan 2020-2024 (RPJMN 2020-2024) (2015, last changed 2020)
  • Decree 62/2013 Regarding a Managing Agency for the Reduction of Emission from Deforestation and Degradation of Forest and Peat lands (2013)
