India Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Sept. 17, 2024. I. Introduction Renewable energy in India is on an upward trend, reaching an all-time high in 2023. The country has long relied on hydropower as its main renewable energy source, however, tables have turned against it as solar and wind renewable energy systems gain national and global momentum. Plans are […]

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Viet Nam Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 26, 2024. I. Introduction Viet Nam leads its fellow Southeast Asian countries in electricity generation from solar and wind sources accounting for 69% of the region’s power generation. However, despite its leadership within the region, hydropower remains Viet Nam’s primary source of renewable energy domestically. In 2022, hydropower comprised 42% of the […]

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Thailand Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 26, 2024. I. Introduction Thailand relies heavily on fossil fuels in generating the majority of its electricity. In 2022, 63% of the electricity produced was sourced from gas, and 19% from coal. Conversely, the share of renewables in the mix was significantly lower compared to fossils: hydro at 3.66%, solar at  2.71%, […]

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Malaysia Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 26, 2024. I. Introduction Malaysia heavily depends on fossil fuels to fulfill its energy needs. 81% of the country’s electricity came from fossil fuels in 2022 alone. Despite Malaysia’s identified abundance in renewable energy potential, the share of the renewable energy system in its mix is significantly low compared to fossil fuels. […]

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Indonesia Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 26, 2024. I. Introduction In 2022, Indonesia relied on fossil fuels to produce 80% of its electricity. Coal was the largest fossil fuel in its electricity mix, dominating with 60% share in total generation.  While Indonesia possesses immense renewable energy potential, significant challenges persist in transitioning away from fossil fuels. Indonesia aims […]

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Myanmar Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 26, 2024. I. Introduction In 2022, Myanmar generated roughly half of its electricity from hydropower and the other half from fossil fuels. While electricity generation from large hydro and coal will see a decrease by 2030, on the other hand, gas will see an increase.  By 2030, Myanmar plans to increase its […]

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Cambodia Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 26, 2024. I. Introduction Cambodia witnessed a dramatic surge in renewable energy in its electricity generation mix in the past decade. Hydropower was the country’s most abundant electricity source occupying 45% share in the electricity generation mix. Non-hydro generated renewables such as solar and wind are lacking compared to electricity generated from […]

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Philippines Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 26, 2024. I. Introduction The Philippines has diverse sources of electricity from renewable energy such as hydropower, geothermal, solar, and, wind. Despite a variety of electricity sources, the country has yet to realize the full potential for renewable energy, and rely on fossil fuels such as coal and gas for the majority […]

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Bangladesh Renewable Energy Profile

Last updated Jul. 15, 2024. I. Introduction Over the past ten years, Bangladesh has faced the challenge of insufficient energy supply to meet rising demand. Although 93.5% of Bangladesh’s population had access to electricity in 2019, 79% of users still experienced low voltage supply and 60% experienced load-shedding. Renewable energy sources offer solutions to fulfill […]

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South Korea Adaptation & Mitigation

Adaptation Agricultural Background Information Net Rice Importer: % of rice consumption in Market Year 2020/2021: Major Agriculture/Food Exports in 2020: Major Crops Produced: Links South Korea’s Current NDC Key for Adaptation Charts The indicators in the adaptation charts are marked in the rightmost five columns according to the following key. Adaptation NDCs The following charts […]

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