
Agricultural Background Information

Net Rice Exporter:

  • Exports in 2020: $558M
  • Imports in 2020: $9.41M

% of rice consumption in Market Year 2020/20211USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS).:

  • From domestic production: 99.8%
  • From imports: 0.2%

Major Agriculture/Food Exports in 20202Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). Note: “Major exports” account for those over 1% of total exports.:

  • Cassava & Other Roots (1.48%)
  • Nuts (1.01%)

Major Crops Produced (Domestic)3International Trade Administration (

  • Rice
  • Other (cassava, maize, mung bean, soybean)

WB/ADB Climate Risk Profile
Cambodia’s Current NDC

Key for Adaptation Charts

The indicators in the adaptation charts are marked in the rightmost five columns according to the following key.

  • Discussion (Yellow): Topic is mentioned in general.
  • Detail (Red): Topic is discussed in greater detail than just a nominal mention.
  • Quantifiability (Purple): Targets are quantifiable.
  • Technology (Blue): Technology needs are discussed.
  • Finance (Green): Budget or specific funding plans are mentioned.

Adaptation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Cambodia’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for adaptation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Last updated August 2022.

NDCs: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

NDCs: Agricultural Development

NDCs: Livestock/Fisheries

National Adaptation Policy

The following charts show which elements are present in Cambodia’s national adaptation policy.

Last updated August 2022.

National Adaptation Policy: Agriculture, Food, Land Use

National Adaptation Policy: Agricultural Development

National Adaptation Policy: Livestock/Fisheries

Adaptation Policies

  • Cambodia National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Financing Framework and Implementation Plan
  • Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-20232
  • National Adaptation Plan Process in Cambodia
  • Based on National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA)
  • Policy Paper on the Promotion of Paddy Production and Rice Export (2010–outdated)
  • Climate Change Action Plan for Water Resources and Meteorology 2014-2018 (2014)
  • Climate Change Priorities Action Plan for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector 2014-2018 (2014)


Mitigation Overview

Forest Cover Target by 2030: 60%
Renewable Energy Share Target: 25% (NDC) or 65% (incl. policies) by 2030
Net Zero Target Year: 2050 (source)
Mitigation Finance Needed: 5.8 billion USD4Not specified how much of this finance needs to come from non-domestic sources.
Climate Action Tracker Rating: Not Available

Asia Pacific Energy Policy Profile

Emissions Targets

Key for Mitigation Charts

Indicators are marked in the right column according to the following key.

  • Green: Present in NDC/Policy.
  • Yellow: Partially present or under development.
  • Blank: Not present.
  • Red: Present but negative indicator.

Mitigation NDCs

The following charts show which elements are present in Cambodia’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for mitigation. Data is collected from the NDC submitted to the UNFCCC (linked above).

Mitigation NDCs: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies

The following charts show the elements present in NDCs and policies combined. Some elements are only present in policies, while some elements are only present in NDCs.

National Mitigation NDCs and Policies: General Overview and Scope

Mitigation NDCs and Policies: Energy/Forestry and Level of Ambition

Mitigation Policies

Current Mitigation Policies

  • Long-Term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality (2021)
  • Cambodia Basic Energy Plan (2019)
  • Circular Economy Strategy and Action Plan
  • Rectangular Strategy (RS) IV (2018)
  • National Environmental Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2023 (2018)
  • National REDD+ Strategy 2017-2026 (2017)
  • Climate Change Financing Framework (2015)
  • Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023 (2013)
  • National Forest Programme 2010-2029 (2010)
  • Prakas N.470 on the Establishment of General Requirement of Electric Power Technical Standards (2004)

Outdated Mitigation Policies

  • Climate Change Action Plan for Mines and Energy 2015-2018 (20155Website says the policy was approved 2019 and passed 2020, but the year on the document is 2015.)
  • Gender and Climate Change Action Plan 2014-2018 (2016)
  • Climate Action Plan of Ministry of Environment 2016-2018 (2016)
  • National Policy on Green Growth 2013 (2013)
  • Climate Change Strategic Plan for Manufacturing Industry and Energy (2013)
  • Sub-Decree No. 35 on creation of a National Committee for Managing Climate Change (2006):

Outdated Mitigation Policies: Sector Specific

  • Climate Change Action Plan for Industry and Handicraft Sectors 2015-2018 (2015)
  • Climate Change Action Plan for Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction 2015-2018 (2015)
  • Climate Change Action Plan for Tourism Sector 2015-2018 (2015)
  • Climate Change Action Plan for Rural Development Sector 2014-2018 (2014)
  • Climate Change Action Plan for Transport Sector 2014-2018 (2014)
  • Climate Change Action Plan for the Education 2014-2018 (2014)

Policies Containing Targets

  • Long-Term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality (2021)
  • Cambodia Basic Energy Plan (2019)
  • National Forest Programme 2010-2029


  • 1
    USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS).
  • 2
    Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). Note: “Major exports” account for those over 1% of total exports.
  • 3
    International Trade Administration (
  • 4
    Not specified how much of this finance needs to come from non-domestic sources.
  • 5
    Website says the policy was approved 2019 and passed 2020, but the year on the document is 2015.